Project Leadership
Additional Matierals
TAC Ped-Adult Transition Guide
Note: This guide was proposed, researched, designed, and led to publication entirely by BCH's Teen Advisory Committee. While not centered on hospital discharge, some tools included here do indeed cross over to the discharge realm. Moreover, we wanted to highlight the tangible impact and phenomenal contribution that a patient-led committee can have on improving clinical outcomes and affecting hospital policy.
Family Roadmap for Discharge Booklet
Note: In collaboration with FVCA and BCH's TAC, we are developing a family-centered booklet that contains a roadmap of the discharge process, from admission to discharge. Included within are walk-throughs of each step in the process, questions for families to ask themselves and providers, space to write notes and share concerns with providers, and most importantly, a family-focused discharge checklist. For more information about the still-in-development booklet, please email us for more information.